
February 18, 2007

First 2007 Finish

I am very happy to announce that I finished Evergreen tonight (I'll post a pic tomorrow).
I started a new project too. Something quick and easy. Evergreen should have been quick and easy but I'm a slow stitcher with limited stitching time and trouble staying focused. I need to go back to my archive to check for sure but I think I started it in August. I have not worked on it completely since starting it. I've worked on ornaments and I have crocheted an afghan.

I've had a tough weekend. My nerves are tore up. Can't talk about it now but I will eventually (maybe). I could use some prayers for strength and wisdom.

This is a three day weekend, last one until Memorial Day except for using a vacation day. DD has a half day of school tomorrow. I'll spend the morning working on figures to give to our accountant. DH owns his own business so tax time is a little more complicated. I'll make time to stitch too!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the finish, I look forward to the pic.

Meari said...

Congrats on your first finish! It looks great.