Last night we drove to Norfolk to see the Norfolk Tides baseball game. The Tides are the minor league team affiliated with the Baltimore Orioles. Kristin won 10 free tickets from a local radio station. We had a great time but Christopher had the best time! He loved the music, especially "charge". A friend of Kristin's who came along caught one of the balls that Rip Tide (the mascot) shot into the stands. He gave it to Christopher, who's first reaction was to throw it....we had to stop him real quick and tell him he would not get it back if he threw it.
Believe it or 2 1/2 years old, he actually paid attention to the game, closely watched the pitcher and the batter. We will definitely take him to another game soon.
It's getting closer to the weekend and my first class for the Underground Railroad Sampler quilt Heather and I are taking on Saturday. Tonight I finished cutting the squares. What a job! I started last Saturday, maybe Friday night, 15 squares in all. I sure hope I cut them right!
Remember last week Heather and I were going to the LQS to get guidance in cutting our squares, and I mentioned "test driving" a potential investment? Well.......we made the investment but it had to be ordered. Hopefully it will be at the shop Saturday when we get there for class. Anyone want to guess what it might be?
RHS - I've put a few stitches in here and there but nothing worthy of a new pic. I've also completed a little bit of organizing in the play room.
That's all I've got for now! Happy Everything!
Hmmmm...I wonder what you ordered!
I have to say, cutting fabric is my least favorite part of quilting by far. It's just not enjoyable to me at all - even at the beginning of a new project. It looks like you're really set up with all your blocks in bags and ready to go. You'll be grateful for that later!
Christopher is a cutie!
I somehow missed your post the other day. Sorry! I have the same rotary cutter. I like it better than the Olfa ones, but I have been having trouble with the retracting button sticking and not letting me close the blade. I've probably had the thing 7 or 8 years , so maybe it's time for a new one!:)
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