
December 29, 2006

Happy Birthday

to me. Today is my birthday. Well it's actually the 16th anniversary of my 25th birthday! When I turned 25, I decided I'd stop there and just have anniversaries after that. ;-)
I always wonder on this day; "do you think of me today?" That thought is directed towards my birth mother who, if she's still living, should be about 58. I've had that same thought on this day for as long as I can remember.

I had to work until one today then this evening DH, DD, and I went to dinner on the VA beach oceanfront at a quaint little place called The Black Angus. We had filet mignon and crab cakes. Their gift to me was a Vera Bradley bowler bag. They gave me the cash for it this morning because yesterday they went to buy it at a local boutique only to find that it is closed until the 2nd. They were so upset. We stopped by a mall on our way home and picked one up in java blue. It's a huge bag. It will be great for long day trips when you need lots of stuff with you (ie: stitching, LOL). My brother gave me the last book I needed in the Left Behind series, Glorious Appearing. I've got to get busy reading as I am still on book 8 and the last one is book 12.

It's been a Vera Merry Christmas, oops!, a Very Merry Christmas cause I got lots of Vera!!
A mesa red checkbook cover from DD, java blue lunch bag from DB and family, and java blue zip wallet from bosses at old job plus Java blue bowler bag for birthday.
We're having DH's family over tomorrow night for the Christmas gathering. He told them we'd also celebrate my b-day too, so more gifts, hehe!! Maybe more Vera, or cash for more. ;-)


Carina said...


Happy Birthday, my friend!!! It sounds like you had a nice one. As to your question: yes, she is indeed thinking of you! How do I know? Because I found my birth mom in 2001 and asked her that very same question! :)

Wishing you a very blessed 2007!

Janice said...

Sounds like you had a very wonderful birthday/anniversary! Hugs!

Meari said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Carol!!