
January 9, 2009

Sad Day

This morning, at the school where DD2 is doing her student teaching, a 4 yo boy was run over by a school bus and killed. It's just horrible and everyone in my community is in complete and total shock. The child's mother is also a teacher at the school, she taught DD3 two years ago, and this is the second child she has lost to an accidental death. The bus driver who ran over the child is a wonderful, kind lady who was DD3's afternoon bus driver for 3 years. This is a new school that just opened in Sept. to replace the school DD3 attended for elementary school and DD2 said she does not like the way the buses park to load/unload students. DD3 is very upset. She said the teacher used to bring her son into their class on occasion and she would read to him and play with him and she really cares about the bus driver too. The bus driver nominated DD3 for an award sponsored by her women's club and DD3 was the winner of the award. Please keep these families in your prayers. I can't imagine the pain and agony they are experiencing.

1 comment:

Janice said...

What a sad, sad tragedy! I could not even begin to imagine their pain and suffering. Sending prayers and hugs.